Ancestral Land Acknowledgement

We begin every worship service by acknowledging that the land on which our church building sits and where most of us live and work and play is the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anashinabe peoples.

We seek to grow in reconciliation and in our relationships with First Nation, Inuit and Metis peoples.

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Sunday Morning worship is at 10:00 a.m.

All are welcome here!

And we really mean it!

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Child & Youth Church Services

We know that it can be difficult for children and young people to sit through a service that can be over an hour long and not necessarily geared to young children. We believe that children are an important part of our church family, and we are happy to change what we do to be more accessible to children and young families. For that reason on the third Sunday of each month we have special Sunday morning worship services. The services are specifically geared to young children who have a need to move and can not necessarily sit quietly. The worship services are at the regular time at 10:00 a.m. but they are only about 1/2 hour long with songs, music and a message geared to children and young people. There are also sweet treats for everyone after the service.

As always, all are welcome!

Next Children & Youth Service is bumped by a week to April 27, 2025

After that the next one will be Camping Sunday on the May long weekend – May 18th


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Please find all our services on our YouTube Channel.