What is Inclusion?

St. Andrew’s Stittsville has always been a warm, welcoming, and inclusive congregation for many people. In the past few years we have been exploring more intentionally what that means specifically for us as a congregation in relation to our LGBTQI2+ friends and family and the broader community. We ran a workshop a number of years ago based on the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s “Body Mind Soul” study document. We prepared a welcome statement based on one shared with us from a congregation in PEI. In 2020 the minister and an elder attended the virtual workshop called “Rainbow Pathways: Exploring LGBTQI2+ Welcome and Inclusion” offered by the Presbyterian Church in Canada in an effort to become more welcoming and inclusive to all people, and especially to those who identify as LGBTQI2+. Our minister has also been a part of the Frederick Banting Alternative High School Diversity Group for over fifteen  years, learning from  + students what life is like for them and being a caring compassionate presence with them. They have taught him in a very real way what inclusion means, because they have chosen to include him, a cisgender, heterosexual, middle aged minister into their group and their lives.

Inclusion is and will always be a work in progress. We hope that what we have already done including this page is a start, and we invite you to learn along with us. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the minister, Doug Kendall minister@standrews-stittsville.ca.

Marriage at St. Andrew’s Stittsville: Everyone who is interested in getting married at St. Andrew’s Stittsville is treated equally. If you are part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community and looking to get married, either at the church or at another location, reach out to Rev. Kendall and he would be happy to talk with you. He is comfortable performing wedding ceremonies for anyone either at the church or elsewhere. However there is one requirement. Whether you are young or older, whether it is your first marriage or you are getting married again, whether you met your partner on the internet a few months ago or you have been best friends and living together for years, you will be required to explore your relationship in marriage preparation with Rev. Kendall.  We believe that everyone can learn more about relationships and marriage, communication and  conflict resolution, financial management and relating to extended family. This is not a process of seeing if couples are compatible, or passing a marriage test, it is about learning about yourself and your partner and having the best relationship you can possibly have before and beyond your wedding day!

On this page we hope you will find resources that are helpful in understanding what LGBTQI2+ means, what it means to those who do not feel welcomed at church, and what it means to us all to be welcoming and include all of God’s children.

Click here for more information on the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s recent decisions on full inclusion of LGBTQI in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Also please click here for a video summary of the report of the Rainbow Communion and more information on the amazing work they have done.  I will caution you that some of the stories included in this video about how some LGBTQI people have been treated in our church are difficult to hear, but they are also very important voices to hear.

What do all the letters in LGBTQI2+ mean?

Here’s an historical time line with some milestones for LGBTQI2+ Inclusion.

We all experience unconscious bias. Becoming more aware of our own biases helps us to be more welcoming of those who are different from us.

Being a young person today and coming out to family and friends can be difficult. Here is a brief video from PBS in the United States with some stories of that it is like from the perspective of some young people.

Here are more reports and links to where the Presbyterian Church in Canada is at with Human Sexuality.


More to come…

BTW the Minister and some of our elders have changed their business cards to reflect our belief that God’s love includes everyone.