We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Our worship service is a fairly traditional Presbyterian service. Sunday worship starts at 10:00 a.m. with the greeting and announcements spoken to the congregation by the Duty Elder. Special music is provided most Sundays by our Organist/Choir Director and our talented choir. On special occasions the children also contribute musically to our worship. Others are welcome to offer their musical gifts in worship, and often do. Each service a member of the church takes part in leading the worship by proclaiming the Scriptures. After every service, all are welcomed downstairs to the hall for a time of fellowship and treats. During the Christmas season the Sunday School puts on a pageant which is always well received, and we hold two candlelight service Christmas Eve.
We celebrate the sacrament of communion once a month – usually on the first Sunday of the month. Children are welcome to take part in the communion service and return from Sunday School to join with the whole church family in this important sacrament. Please check our calendar page for the schedule of communion services.
The Children are with us for the first part of the service and then after a children’s story they go to their Sunday School classes. We are a “Leading With Care” community which means that we take extra precautions to ensure that young children and vulnerable adults are never in risky situations. All of our Sunday School teachers and other leaders in the church have had Police Checks.
Weddings at St. Andrew’s Stittsville
Everyone who is interested in getting married at St. Andrew’s Stittsville is treated equally. If you are part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community and looking to get married, either at the church or at another location, reach out to Rev. Kendall and he would be happy to talk with you. He is comfortable performing wedding ceremonies for anyone either at the church or elsewhere. However there is one requirement. Whether you are young or older, whether it is your first marriage or you are getting married again, whether you met your partner on the internet a few months ago or you have been best friends and living together for years, you will be required to explore your relationship in marriage preparation with Rev. Kendall. We believe that everyone can learn more about relationships and marriage, communication and conflict resolution, financial management and relating to extended family. This is not a process of seeing if couples are compatible, or passing a marriage test, it is about learning about yourself and your partner and having the best relationship you can possibly have before and beyond your wedding day!
Choir at St. Andrew’s
Our choir comprises soprano, alto, tenor and bass singers (non-auditioned) ~ people who sing for the love of singing and to the glory of God. There are about 15 chairs in our choir loft, and they are often filled… but we can always squeeze in a few more chairs if we need to. Main practices are held Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., supplemented by a run-through of the week’s anthem on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 9:40 a.m.
The choir provides anthems at most Sunday services, in addition to several special anthems for Easter (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) and Christmas Eve services. One of the Easter anthems is usually sung jointly with the choir of the Stittsville United Church.
During the summer, the choir takes a break from practices and anthems. However, members who are in attendance at a service often take their seats in the choir loft to help lead the congregation in hymns. As well, the Choir Director and a member of the choir attend a choral workshop in August at which a composer clinician reviews numerous musical pieces, several of which are purchased for use by our choir.
The choir is also a social group, enjoying one another’s company at potluck suppers hosted by choir members in the spring, fall and at Christmas.
Hand Bell Choir:
We have a two octave set of Schulmerich Hand Bells, and our hand bell choir takes part in worship for special occasions. Most recently the hand bells played for the 7:30 Christmas Eve service and for Easter.