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On June 4th. and 5th. 2022, we participated in “Doors Open Ottawa”. We had planned to be involved when we celebrated our 200th. anniversary however in 2021, the City of Ottawa cancelled the event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022 the buildings were opened for in-person and virtual tours. In the gathering space, we had some historical pictures on display. We also had a tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in honour of her Jubilee Celebration. Also on display was the framed list of names from our Congregation who had served in the War. While people were in the sanctuary they could enjoy a video about the history and the ministry of our church. Here’s a link to that video. As everyone left, they were given a pamphlet about the history of our church; and explanation of our “Celebrating 200 Years” logo; information about our ministry within the church and in our community; a 200th. anniversary pen, a juice box and an anniversary cookie. The cookie was iced in blue with “200″ written and on the opposite side was the outline of a cross.
The 200th anniversary Committee in consultation with the Session is proposing many things for the coming year. We have already ordered some 200th anniversary pens for the congregation and for us to share with others. Work has begun on a new St. Andrew’s Cookbook! (Contact Marlene and Alan if you have a recipe you would like included. More information to come on that project.) We have replaced the bench in the church garden with one that says “Welcome” on it. As you have seen, we have also designed a logo to celebrate our 200th Anniversary.
On Thanksgiving Sunday we celebrated the dedication some of our 200th Anniversary Projects.

1. A bench near the Stittsville Main St. sidewalk for us and for the community.
2. We installed a wooden picnic table on the church lawn, again for the community and for us to use. It too will have the words “All are welcome here” caved into the top of it. It is anchored to the ground, so it doesn’t walk away.
3. And thirdly, on Thanksgiving weekend we planted a red oak tree on the church lawn in celebration of our 200th anniversary. We hope that the next generation might gather under that oak tree to celebrate the 250th anniversary of our congregation, or even the 300th anniversary.

4. We also put up a banner in celebration of our 200th Anniversary Year and reinstalled the sign on new posts.